• Make a swap file on linux

    A swap is a kind of virtual memory storage where the rarely used pages of memory are stored. Swap storage becomes valuable if low memory or fast opcache PHP. Make swap file linux is required to faster your system.

    Swap storage stored as a partition in a dedicated server but in virtual machines or some system, there is only one partition and no swap partition. Linux is making easy swap as a file. So, swap space can be both file or partition. If you have swap partition but require more swap space on a specific case, you can change your swap to file.

  • Unicode migration - move from Zawgyi Safe

    There are many typing and rendering system across Myanmar Typing System and also rendering system. There are many ways including from typewriter settings to the latest working Myanmar Unicode System. Now, it's time for a change and we will feature through how to safely move from Zawgyi or any other typing system to standardized Myanmar Unicode System. In this week, we present you about Unicode Migration and move you safely from Zawgyi.

  • Speed - Your hosting will definitely require

    Internet becomes faster and faster. Your jobs need to be done on time with speed. You have to visit a website to get your organization needs, but they are extremely slow. You are inside a nightmare in the noontime.

    Your daily life is filled with multi-speed things. Speed Bus, Speed Trans or Speed Internet. The last one will be more favourable. You need your speed to complete them on time.

    If you are on the other side of your website slow. Can you blame others or blame yourself, or even the IT department? You need first to analyze your problem to make your sales.

  • fully functional hosting - expand your boundary

    Trying to get business on web hosting is easy but you know, how to make your hosting as fully functional hosting. You leave or sit safely on your home and your website do the rest on your behalf. You have only think about how well you manage your business flow.

    How well your website perform so far?

    Many people think building a website will think about how do they change the layout of a website. They first build a website, change the styles and colours and done. They do not change the style for the rest of their website lifespan until they are broken or rebuild.

  • Call member function null Laravel

    We have faced a lot of problems working with Eloquent ORM. ORM is the most simple way to work with the database with a clean and beautiful code. However, sometimes with complex problems, they will bring you the most difficult things over the world. On of this thing, Call member function null is one of the problems with the text, call a member function on null, especially with the relationships which make difficult to debug.

  • Wordpress font Embed

    Wordpress font embed is nowadays the most usual thing over the internet. After the release of HTML5 and CSS3, when also the time of the removal of flash on Apple devices, many devs start a way to embed and replace the tasks which flash has done before, especially decoration of font over the web. css3 supports font embeds and time flies by, google fonts come to live. Many plugins are published to provide support font embed methods, including Myanmar Unicode.

  • Websites get paid - How to make revenue from a website

    Many websites are built for many purposes. Some are interested in sharing their arts, pieces of knowledge and also E-sports nowadays. They target a lot of users including PhDs to local people. Some websites get paid but some are not. Two options.

    If you are interested in building such a website and you have got traffics from all over the world and you have juiced your knowledge and charges for your hosting and domain bills. In the long term, there is one question arises. Who will pay the bill? Famous vs Money.

  • Facebook blocked websites - How to fix

    The website has been lifestream for most of the business and bloggers for years. Facebook has been up for a decade and a lot of websites and bloggers fill up their space on facebook using the pages and posts. Facebook blocked websites when they are not working with community standards.

    However, when a page or the website is blocked, it becomes a nightmare. Your website cannot be used anywhere, inside facebook. We can fully neglect facebook but your content cannot be shared totally over Facebook by other users. It will not only damage your reputation and even your sales.

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