• Save the world and increase sales

    The world has been polluted for a long time, many icebergs and a couple of degrees rise around the world by making our accessories.  Time flies by and now the environmental issues become one of the biggest problems around the world. How would you save it? Many people say using plastics will be the most problem around the wastes. However, we have neglected other things, the advertising materials and the papers, which come from the bamboo, the product of mother nature. Now its time to save the world and increase sales.

  • Call member function null Laravel

    We have faced a lot of problems working with Eloquent ORM. ORM is the most simple way to work with the database with a clean and beautiful code. However, sometimes with complex problems, they will bring you the most difficult things over the world. On of this thing, Call member function null is one of the problems with the text, call a member function on null, especially with the relationships which make difficult to debug.

  • Featured: Interview with Gaming Kwee

    Lovely Family Host is hosting interviews with customers around the globe to serve you how they have reached their goals while working together with Lovely Family Host. This week, we would like to invite Ko Aung Win Htut, from Gaming Kwee, to share his knowledge about working with a website and how he has made his way towards the gaming section using a website hosted with Lovely Family Host. 

    Gaming Kwee

    Hi, Gaming Kwee, welcome to Lovely Family Host. Before we started, can you introduce yourself?

  • Wordpress font Embed

    Wordpress font embed is nowadays the most usual thing over the internet. After the release of HTML5 and CSS3, when also the time of the removal of flash on Apple devices, many devs start a way to embed and replace the tasks which flash has done before, especially decoration of font over the web. css3 supports font embeds and time flies by, google fonts come to live. Many plugins are published to provide support font embed methods, including Myanmar Unicode.

  • Laravel SMTP setup - Things you should know

    Laravel is one of the most famous PHP frameworks. In the same way, email becomes widely used and they are now become playing a vital part in our daily lives. Many apps support sending emails via web apps such as OTP Tokens and reminders. So, the Laravel SMTP setup is important when we haven't set up before. 

    Laravel SMTP Setup 1: API

    Laravel support sending emails via API. Laravel support mandrill(drop support in Laravel 6.0), Mailgun and other providers include Postmark, SparkPost, Amazon SES. They can be programmed to send emails via API.

  • Websites get paid - How to make revenue from a website

    Many websites are built for many purposes. Some are interested in sharing their arts, pieces of knowledge and also E-sports nowadays. They target a lot of users including PhDs to local people. Some websites get paid but some are not. Two options.

    If you are interested in building such a website and you have got traffics from all over the world and you have juiced your knowledge and charges for your hosting and domain bills. In the long term, there is one question arises. Who will pay the bill? Famous vs Money.

  • Facebook blocked websites - How to fix

    The website has been lifestream for most of the business and bloggers for years. Facebook has been up for a decade and a lot of websites and bloggers fill up their space on facebook using the pages and posts. Facebook blocked websites when they are not working with community standards.

    However, when a page or the website is blocked, it becomes a nightmare. Your website cannot be used anywhere, inside facebook. We can fully neglect facebook but your content cannot be shared totally over Facebook by other users. It will not only damage your reputation and even your sales.

  • Laravel SSL - How to

    Laravel is one of the most famous PHP Frameworks around the development corner. SSL is also arising technology which is really famous to use with a web server. So, one problem arises, your web apps will stop working on the SSL production server. That's why Laravel SSL is required to use together.

    There are two ways to work around to solve the problem. I chose the server configuration method to solve the problem.

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