Don't stop website before you read this - Business Tips

Submitted by lwinmaungmaung on
Image by Natálie Šteyerová from Pixabay

Don't stop website before you have read through this article! It will become the worst thing in your life! I have a lot of users asking about should they stop their website for their sake without even noticing their damages, even small or big. I have listed most of the reasonable damages which will reflect to your company.

Stop Website? Why?

Many people including me, want to stop some websites and even stopped our websites. Why?. You can't effort to provide hosting charges, no time to make contents or sales are not increase even if the website was invested. There are many reasons to stop your website. Let me make a list.

Let the first thing is the smallest. You can't effort Hosting charges anymore. Don't say I can but in your mind or sometimes you cannot effort or willing to pay any amount of money when you think they are not fulfill your requirement or your return of investment. 

The second thing is you cannot continue website because you are not making interesting content anymore or you are thinking that your content are out of date, mostly happens for your blog. 

The third one is you have some problem with your partner. You are liquidizing your company assets and you have to liquidize your assets.

The fourth is you have some bad memories with your website such as you have posted pirated contents and the cops catch you. You have to close your website.

There will be many reasons that you have to close your website. The third and the forth is the reasonable to close your website.

Don't stop website. Read the reasons.

If your reason is not the last two, you must not remove your website. again. Don't stop website. There are many workaround to survive your website.

We have to address the issue bit by bit and We already know that you love your website and you also do not want to stop your website for any reason. You think this is the best but there are many ways you can convert them to survive and jump more.

This will be tough but you are not willing to give up. I will add some damages which will happen when you start stopping your website.

First week, your website is stopped and you will start feeling you are something missing. Have you ever think about your customers or readers in your community. They will check the website and it is gone.

First month, they will talk about that your website stopped functioning or the website address belongs to another business because the domain name you left is picked up by another company or domain broker. Dont.

First year, they will now know that your company has no website. They feel depressed to communicate because your emails and your website are useful for your customers to contact you.

First decades, customers know nothing about your business, even it existed or not.

Can't effort your website Charges! Saving budget tips.

Don't stop website - Image by Walter Knerr from Pixabay

I don't know about your website and how big it is but I don't care. If your website is big enough to work, you will not stop your website. If you are trying to stop your website, which means your website is not performing very well.

While you are reading this article, our website is also not performing very well. However, we have chosen survival ways to continue working on our website.

First of all, if your website is not performing very well and choose to save your budget. Try to reduce the price or utilize better.

You can reduce the price by working around with your hosting plans. If you have subscribed with Dedicated servers, deduct to VPS or Shared Hosting. 

If you are on shared hosting, you should deduct to lowest plan or pay monthly. This is insane but this actually works.

Another way is utilizing more about your website. There will be out of topic and you will get how to utilize your website with other services.

Cannot continue to make attractive contents! Find out to get new ideas!

Every websites have stuck on information. Some information are out of date and you cannot get new informations and there are tons of informations are coming with new products. Yes, we feel the same and we can't go further with it. 

We have got ideas by browsing the internet. Sometimes, we have to browse the internet and find tips to make contents those are profitable for our customers. We have to solve them.

Another way is to make tips and tricks to make something out of your products. For example, Lipton tea has published some items those are made with tea and they have got attention by multiple customers around the globe.

The third and the fourth

If you are the last one.. OK done. I won't say but if you can, don't stop website.


Don't stop website If you have technical difficulties, you can solve by using our websites, social media networks and so on. If your website is not functioning properly or you feel that your website is something wrong, you can consult via phone, email or website. If you want to build your website with us, Contact +959975366887 for more information. The plans are starting from 500 USD for your convenience. They are one time fees with one year hosting (E Ka Plan). Find out more with

