Letsencrypt will revoke certificate in March 4,2020

Submitted by lwinmaungmaung on
Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Letsencrypt will revoke 2.6% of their official certificate on March 4, 2020. 

On February 2020, Letsencrypt found a bug in their CAA code and they will revoke affected certificates across the world. Many people should check their Letsencrypt certificates they got in February.

Did my certificate get from Letsencrypt?

You have to know where is your certificate from. If your certificate comes from them, you should check the following statements to suit your needs. In the photo, you can see that your certificate got from Letsencrypt. If you got so, you should check your website certificate.

Letsencrypt certificate check

How can I check my certificate is included?

You can check your certificate is valid in https://unboundtest.com/caaproblem.html

How does this event affect my current website?

If your certificate listed, they will revoke your certificate authenticity. It can leave your website with an invalid certificate. 

I'm hosted with Lovely Family Host. Should I check this event?

If you are hosted with Lovely Family Host Shared Hosting. You don't need to check this revocation of certificates because we are working with Comodo certificates by default. If you are using  other than default, you can create a ticket or call our hotline to reach to get it solved. If you are using apart from our default certification authority, you can reach your own SSL authority to renew your SSL certificate.

If you are using CPanel, you can login with your credentials and see where your certificates comes by visiting Main Interface -> SSL. If you can reach there, you will see which certification authority issue your certificate.

If you do not have any kind of SSL, you should get it from any authority. If you are thinking about changing hosting to us, You can visit here to get affordable hosting. You can get free SSL, daily backups and more.
